Our Core Values


Liberty Church began in 2003 with a group of 15 people led by Pastor Lon and Dawn Williams who had a heart for unchurched and dechurched people. Over the past decade, we’ve seen God do what only he can do, transforming thousands of lives with marriages restored, families healed, addictions broken, and hearts made whole through Christ. As God continues to increase the size of our platform, we are aggressively pursuing opportunities to reach more and more people with the life-saving message of God’s grace. Through the use of preaching, worship, and creativity, we strive to present the timeless message of Jesus Christ in a clear and fresh way. And although our approach to church is anything but traditional, we believe in and maintain a Biblical position.

Liberty is a non-denominational, independent church. We are partners with Pastors Ed & Lisa Young’s C3 Global Network, Pastor Joel & Victoria Osteen's Champions Network, and Pastors Steve & Sharon Kelly's Wave Collective Network

We exist to help people embrace God's grace and experience the faith, hope, and love of Jesus! Our core values describe how we accomplish that through Jesus:


We embrace grace!


Life is not about us doing, trying, or achieving, but trusting and receiving the free gift of grace that Jesus has already accomplished. 

Ephesians 2:4-10


It’s all about the weekend.


We focus the majority of our resources, staff, and time on our biggest chance to influence the most people.

Hebrews 10:25

The Church is the hope of the world.


Nothing we do matters unless it furthers the gospel. We’re here to make a difference, not make a point!

1 Corinthians 10:31


We are Starbucks, not Old Country Buffet.


Simplicity enables excellence and creativity. Therefore, we only do a few things, but we do them with great attention to detail.

1 Corinthians 14:33,40

We are united under the visionaries.


Liberty is built on the vision God gave Pastors Lon and Dawn. God honors da' vision, not division. 

Proverbs 29:18a


We will not sit on the sidelines.


We will volunteer and invest our resources because serving is discipleship that allows us to fulfill our destiny.  We help reached people reach people rather than keep reached people comfortable.

Ephesians 4:11-12


We walk with gratitude and faith. 


We lead the way in generosity. 


We outdo one another in showing honor. 


We are all about the numbers.


We will be the most positive people on the planet.